Gift a Reading Life to a Child this Festive Season

What is a good time to introduce a child to books? Different parents may have different answers. I found the right age to be six months. For both my children, I had cloth, plastic or board books about animals or very simple stories with repetitive words. I would show them the books, and slowly read […]

पक्षियों और मनुष्यों का आपसी संबंध

पूरी दुनिया को प्रभावित करने वाले वर्तमान कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण ने हम सभी को इस बात का एहसास करा दिया है कि समय-समय पर जानवरों की बीमारियां मनुष्यों में प्रवेश कर भयंकर महामारी का रूप ले सकती हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में गिद्धों की बहुत जरूरी भूमिका है। वे मृत जानवरों के अवशेषों का जल्द निपटारा […]

‘महिलाओं के साथ पुरुषों में भी आत्मविश्वास जगाना होगा हमें’

हाल ही मैकिंजी ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूट की एक रिपोर्ट आई थी, जिसके मुताबिक महिलाओं को कोविड-19 से जुड़ी आर्थिक और सामाजिक समस्याओं का सामना सबसे ज्यादा करना पड़ा है। उसकी वजह यही है कि वे लैंगिक भेदभाव का शिकार सबसे ज्यादा होती हैं लेकिन लैंगिक भेदभाव ने कोविड से जन्म नहीं लिया है। यह परिस्थिति इसलिए […]

Daan Utsav: Investing For A Better ‘Samaaj’

From the beginning of October and through the end of December, our minds are more attuned to giving and sharing. The giving season starts with Gandhi’s birthday and goes on well past Christmas. In between, there are many festivals of sharing, and gratitude, including Dassera and Diwali.India’s Daan Utsav is well-timed to enhance the feeling […]

Distributing the Ability to Solve

Water is the key sector when it comes to climate change related challenges. It is ever changing and complex, with equity, quality and quantity issues rising routinely. Usually, water issues have to be dealt with locally, in context. For example, even if you planned to bring water from a faraway river to a city, it […]

How to Leverage Trained Water Professionals

If we have to effectively tackle the current and future pandemics, and collectively address climate-related emergencies, flexibility, adaptation and resilience are not just words. They are critical skills that communities must build quickly. The water sector is a good place to innovate in service of this imperative Water is a key sector to overcome public […]

Kabini:A Heritage to Conserve

The Japanese have long propagated the joys of Shinrin-Yoku, or ‘forest bathing’, as a meditative practice, especially for urbanites. I was very lucky to spend a few days in the Kabini forest, just before the parks closed. Though partially work-related, it was my most healing experience since the pandemic emerged. The forest was lush green, […]