The recent Bengaluru floods washed up the dirty linen of mismanagement and corruption on the shores of a crumbling city infrastructure. Yet, no matter how quickly various governments build out [...]
“Governments need civil society organisations to serve as mirrors; they need them to reach the first mile… they need all the risk-taking capital. No government can do without that in [...]
This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s Uncommon Ground, where she brings together titans of industry and leaders of civil society to explore eight themes that are highly relevant [...]
95 per cent hit on improving reading skills. THE Karnataka Learning Partnership, a public-private initiative by Akshara foundation and the Education Department, Government of Karnataka and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, [...]
SMALL drops in an ocean. This is how the people at Akshara describe their efforts. Ali this despite the fact that 20,000 children in slums around Bangalore have already been [...]